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Welcome to the Second World Congress of Environmental History

Environmental History in the Making: 8-12 July 2014

Plans for this congress are now well advanced. The closing dates for panels, papers, and posters has now passed, and the Program Committee has finalised  acceptances. A programme will be finalised once authors of accepted papers have registered for the conference. 

Please visit this site regularly for updates and news as the programme, excursions and other details are finalised over the next few months. 

We look forward to welcoming you to Guimarães, Portugal next July!

July 8-12, 2014

Hosted by:

University of Minho 

- International School Congress/International Workshop on Environmental History Group (ISC / IWEH) 

International Consortium of Environmental History Organizations (ICEHO)

Download congress flyer from here.


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Last Update: Saturday, 27.07.2024