Accommodation has to be arranged with the Congress travel agency, Caravela. Please click on the relevant tab for a list of approved hotels and prices and an application form. Remember that Guimarães is a major tourist destination and is not a large city. Early booking is essential if you want to have the full range of what is available and take advantage of better prices.
To make your reservation, please complete the form below and send it to the agency.
Travel Agency Caravela
Rua Francisco Sanches, 47
4704-530 Braga - Portugal
T + 351 253 200 500 | F + 351 253 200 509

Accommodation for students with lower fares will be provided. These rooms should be booked as soon as possible in order to save your place.
These spaces will be displayed as bunks at the guesthouse of University of Minho - Guimarães.
The price is 8.48?/night under the following conditions:
Male/Female Bathhouse
Hot water
Bed and wc linen inclued
Bar service is available for fast food under this schedule:
Mondayto Thursday - 9h - 21h30
Friday 9h - 19h
Sunday 18h - 22h
Please contact