Summer School
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The Sea as a whole -Ideological reservoir and environmental concerns

5thSummer School in Environmental History

Porto, Portugal // 4-8 July 2014


Porto University (UP-FL) and the National ScienceFoundation (FCT), with the support of the European Society for EnvironmentalHistory (ESEH), and the Research Centre for Tran disciplinary Studies,Culture, Space and Memory (CITCEM) are organizing the 5thESEH Summer School 2014.


This four-day ESEH graduate student Summer School willtake place immediately before the 2nd WORLD CONGRESS ONENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY (2ND WCEH) to be held in Guimarães, Portugal, from July 8th to 12th, 2014.



Our goal is togather some 15 graduate (and post-doctoral) researchers with junior and seniorscholars who will all give formal and informal presentations, individually andin groups, for promoting rich methodological discussions. Places areavailable for doctoral students and immediate postdocs. 

Place and date:

Porto, Portugal, 4-8 July 2014

(arrival on 4th July by 12:00 and departureon 8th July at 12:00 to Guimarães)


Themes and Orientations of the Program

Under the umbrella theme “The Sea as a Whole”, thisSummer school seeks to be inclusive in developing sub-topics that deal with theoceans in a broad sense such as:

-         Rethinking sources and methodology: theoryand interdisciplinary beyond a nationalist history

-         The long term interaction of humans andmarine life: how changed marine fauna ecosystems across centuries

-         Colonial history and biological exchangeacross oceans

-         Environmental concerns and disasters(climate, sea level, etc.) as a narrative of communities’resilience           


Structure of the Conference

In a friendlyatmosphere, the Porto Summer School will provide each student the opportunityto present and discuss their work to colleagues and to specialists of thefield.

The days will bestructured around lectures and discussions, participants presentations,fieldwork and field trips.

Participants willbe asked to give a presentation (15 minutes) on the sources, archives, anddocuments of any kind that form the basis of their research. Students do notneed to be specialists in oceans to participate; any historical work thattouches upon oceans or seas is welcome.

During the Summer School students willcreate scientific posters about their work. Five of these posters will bepresented in one of the sessions of the “Second World Congress of EnvironmentalHistory, Environmental History in the Making”: 8-12 July 2014, Guimarães,Portugal.


Registration details

An application forthe summer school consists of sending the organizers a single email note [SubjectLine: ESEH 2013 Summer School] that includes: 1) a curriculum vitae, 2) anabstract and outline of the doctoral thesis or other work that states the mainchallenges and research questions (no more than 500 words), and 3) a letter ofsupport from a faculty member.

All acceptedparticipants will receive free room & board during this four-day seminar(in shared rooms), but participants are responsible for their owntransportation to and from Porto, Portugal.

Working languageis English.



Pleasesend all queries (and application) to: Inês Amorim,

ESEHSummer School Committee for 2013-2015

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